
Click the Count button to initiate a counting and measuring operation on the active image.  

When this button is clicked, Image-Pro creates ROIs around the currently highlighted objects in the image according to the current Segment settings.  The Data Table is then opened and populated with the number and measurement data for each object.

Before clicking the Count button, be sure you have specified your split, measurement, view and count options.

When an image has more than one ROI and you want to group measurement objects by ROI, click the Count by ROI button. Clicking the Count by ROI button will count every ROI separately assigning objects inside to a class corresponded to the parent ROI (Region1, Region2,...).

Working with Sequence Files

When you are working with a sequence file and you click the Count tool, Image-Pro identifies image objects and collects data in the Measurement Table for only the active frame. To collect data for all frames, use the Collect group on Count/Size tab and activate All Frames option.

When you then click Collect , Image-Pro synchronizes active measurements from the given data provider (Measurement types for Count/Size tab), executes Count on every frame and collects measurements data for all frames in the sequence in the Data Collector. The Data Collector table will be opened automatically after the collect when the Show Table option is on (default).

When the Clear Collector option is active the data is removed from the Data Collector before the Count. When theClear Measurements is active, the selected measurements list of Data Collector is cleared before synchronizing of active measurements .

You can access all Data Collector tools and windows clicking the Go to Data Collector button.

See also: