Data Table

When you click on the Data Table tool in the Measurements group of the Measure ribbon bar the Measurement Table is displayed. The Measurement Table provides an interactive table view of measurement data in your images. It shows measurement data for each object traced in the active image.  The various measurements it provides for each trace depends on what has been selected through the Types tool.

Click here for more information on selecting measurements.  

The Measurement Table window has several interactive features:

  • Resize columns.  You can resize the columns for a better fit to the displayed values or to hide columns that are not of interest.
  • Rename labels.  You can edit the name of a feature by clicking on the name in that feature’s grid row and typing the new name.
  • Delete measurements from the table.  It is possible to delete a measurement by clicking on the row number (which selects the row) and pressing the <Del> key, or clicking the Delete button in the Measurements toolbox. Multiple rows can be selected in the table by holding down the <Ctrl> or <Shift> keys while clicking on the row numbers.
  • Display selected measurements.  You can select measurements of interest in either the table or the image, and then click on the Show Selected tool to hide all other measurement data in the table. Multiple rows can be selected in the table by holding down the <Ctrl> or <Shift> keys while clicking on the row numbers.
  • Selected measurements are highlighted in the table and the image simultaneously.  Whether one or multiple measurements are selected, the selections are always synchronized between the table and the overlays in the image.  

The tool in the toolbar of the Measurement Table are described below.

Load:  Allows you to load manual measurements that have been previously saved to a file.

Save: Allows you to save the current collection of manual measurements to a file.

Send to: Click on this button to tell Image-Pro to export the current measurements to a file.  Click on the arrow to the right of this button to select the destination for exported data.  You can choose to export it to an Excel spreadsheet or to a text file.

Statistics: Shows/hides the statistics table that appears below the table of measurement data. Click the down-arrow to the right of this tool to show the following sub-menu options:

  • Statistics per Group: Configures the statistical pane to show the statistics for each grouping in the data table. This option is only meaningful when Grouping is enabled. If not select, Image-Pro shows statistics for all visible measurements.
  • Setup Group Statistics: Configures the statistical pane to show statistics by group for Parent/Child analysis. When selected, Image-Pro automatically activates grouping by class and adds Percent Area Parent to the list of measurements.
  • Show Statistics Only: Hides individual measurement data and shows only the statistics.

Grouping: Click the Grouping button to activate the measurement grouping feature. When activated, the Measurement Table provides an area at the top of the table to which you can click and drag the data types by which you want the objects grouped. Simply click on the column heading of the data type you want to group objects by, and drag it to the grouping area.

Note that you can also define sub-groupings by dragging more data types to the grouping area.

This Grouping tool also provides a pull-down menu of grouping options:

  • Classify by Group: This option provides a quick way to create classes for your objects based on measurement groupings. It becomes enabled once your objects are already grouped in the Measurements table. If your objects are already grouped in the Measurements table (as described above, for example), then clicking the Classify by Group option automatically creates class definitions based on the current groupings, and assigns the newly-created class definitions to the objects accordingly. The new class definitions are automatically assigned unique colors, and they are automatically added to the pull-down list box of the Measure > Class group.
  • Group by Class: If you have multiple classes of objects displayed in the Measurement Data window, click this tool to group the data by class. This is the same as dragging the Class data type to the grouping area (as described above).
  • Group by Parent: If you have parent and child objects displayed in the Measurement Data window, click this tool to group the data by parents. This is the same as dragging the Parent data type to the grouping area (as described above).
  • Show Collapsed: This option controls whether the grouped data is shown initially in a collapsed or expanded format. When collapsed, only the group headings are shown. You must click on the button to view the data items in each group.
  • Totals: If you group by class or parent objects, you can also have Image-Pro return statistics for each data type of each group. Select the kind of statistical information you want returned from the Totals pull-down list box.

Show All Measurements:  If this button is selected, both selected and unselected measurements are shown in the measurements table. Click the down-arrow to the right of this tool to show the following sub-menu options:

Show Selected Measurements:  If this button is selected, only selected measurements are shown in the measurements table.

Show Unselected Measurements:  If this button is selected, only unselected measurements are shown in the measurements table.