File > Options

When you click on the Options tool from the File menu, the Options dialog box is displayed.

There are several categories of options available through the Options dialog box.  Click on the category about which you want to learn more:

Popular Options

Image Options

Prompt before closing: Select this option and Image-Pro prompts you to save images before you close them if they have changed since you last saved them. Uncheck this option and Image-Pro will close the images as soon as you invoke the Close command. If unsaved changes had been made, they will be permanently lost.

Restore Documents Workspace: Select this option and Image-Pro will open images and documents that were open in the workspace the last time it was shut down.


Enable Auto Shutdown: The Auto Shutdown feature enables Image-Pro to automatically shutdown after a predetermined time interval of inactivity. Once the inactivity time point is reached, a message is displayed asking if the user would like to continue working. If no response is recieved, Image-Pro automatically shuts down after a predetermined time.

If unsaved images are open when shutdown occurs and the option Save Auto Recover information is on, the images will be automatically saved and available for recovery when Image-Pro is restarted. The Save Auto Recover information option is located under the File/Options/Image Saving menu and is set to ON by default.

  • Network License: The feature is ON by default and will return the Image-Pro seat.
    Default settings: Auto Shutdown Timer 60 minutes and Prompt Timer 5 minutes.
  • Non-Network License: The feature is Off by default and will return the Image-Pro seat.
    Default settings: Auto Shutdown Timer 60 minutes and Prompt Timer 5 minutes.
  • Enable Auto Shutdown: Enable auto shutdown based on Image-Pro inactivity.
  • Auto Shutdown Timer (min): Initiate the auto shutdown process after a period of Image-Pro inactivity.
  • Prompt Timer (min): The prompt dialog will be displayed for the selected time to confirm shutdown.


Enable Application Configuration through User Logon at startup: Enabling this option will cause Image-Pro to prompt for users to select an identity at startup. Identities are user access IDs. Image-Pro remembers application settings, layouts, and options for each identity. When identities are enabled, it allows users to customize their workspaces individually and have those customizations restored each time they access Image-Pro.

Require Password to Enable Identity: Enable this option to assign a password to each identity. When enabled, Image-Pro will not open unless the correct password is entered for the selected Identity.

When this option is first selected Image-Pro will show a dialog in which the administrator’s password must be entered.

With this option selected, only the administrator has the option to Add, Duplicate and Delete identities, and to manage the passwords for all identities (non-administrators can manage their own password). Without this option selected, all users can complete these actions.

Note: Access IDs are not secure, even with the option to require passwords selected. If you wish to add secure (password protected), user based access to Image-Pro, we recommend that you do this by adding users to Windows.

To create a new identity, click Add. Enter a name for the new identity in the dialog that opens and then click OK.

To delete an identity, click on an existing identity and click Delete.

You can duplicate an existing identity by selecting it from the list and clicking the Duplicate button. Enter a new name for the duplicate identity and Click OK.

To manage the password for an identity, select the identity from the list and click Password. Enter and confirm the password and click OK.

Image Options


Maximum number of undo's: The number you set here determines the number of Image-Pro operations you can Undo.  For example, if you enter '5', you will only be able to undo the last 5 operations you performed.  Undo buffers use memory, and when you are working with large images, undo buffers can increase the time it takes Image-Pro to perform some operations.  Depending on your memory availability, and the speed of your CPU, you may want to change the buffer value from its default of 50.

Opacity of inactive overlays (%):  When an overlay (for ROI, annotations, measurements...) is inactive it is displayed semitransparent.  This option allows you to control how opaque inactive overlays will appear.

Prompt before closing: Select this option if you want Image-Pro to prompt you before closing an image that has been modified since it was last saved.  Uncheck this option if you want Image-Pro to close a modified image immediately (the image will not be saved, and Image-Pro will issue no warning).

Restore Documents Workspace:  Select this option and Image-Pro starts up to the configuration of open images and documents as they appeared in the application workspace the last time it was shut down. If you uncheck this option, Image-Pro always opens to an empty workspace.

Display Zoom as effective magnification (Lens Mag. * Zoom): Select this option to display the workspace zoom factor as effective magnification when the effective magnification is known.

Image Display

Background color:  This control allows you to select the color to be used for the background portion of image windows.  The background is the part of the image window that shows when the image is smaller than the window itself.

To create a custom color:

  1. Click on Background color, then click on the Custom tab.

  2. Right-click on one of the squares in the bottom two rows of the color palette -- these are reserved for assigning and defining custom colors.

    The Define Color dialog box appears.

  3. Use the controls on this dialog box to define the custom color, then click Add Color.  The color is added to the "Custom" tab palette.

Background pattern:  From this pull-down list box, select the pattern to be used for the background portion of image windows.  The background is the part of the image window that shows when the image is smaller than the window itself. Besides solid and crosshatch, you can select from such pattern options as diagonal downward crosshatch and diagonal crosshatch.

Auto Zoom:  Select "Best Fit" to tell Image-Pro to zoom images to fit the application workspace when they are initially opened or created new.  This selection overrides the selection in the Default Zoom control (described below).  If you select "Default Zoom," the value specified for Default Zoom is used for sizing images when they are first opened or created.

Default Zoom:  Defines the initial zoom factor you want Image-Pro to use when images are initially opened or created new.  Note that this value is not used if Auto Zoom (described above) is set to "Best Fit."

Inherit Magnification Settings: When this option is selected, Image-Pro applies the magnification settings of the source image to images cut, copied, or cropped from it. For example, suppose the source image is scaled in the application workspace to 28% and you draw and ROI in the image and then click on the Crop tool. Image-Pro creates a new image in the application workspace that contains only the pixels of ROI. If the Inherit Magnification Settings option is selected, the new image is scaled to 28%; if the Inherit Magnification Settings option is not selected, the new image is scaled to be maximized in the workspace.

Default Sequence View: Select which of the different ways to view sequence files you want to use as the default for viewing sequence files:

  • Image: This view presents the sequence like a movie that you can play.
  • Gallery: This view presents a 'storyboard' of the frames of the sequence so that you can view all frames simultaneously.
  • Slicer: This view presents the image sequence using volume cross-sections in XY,YZ and XZ planes
  • 3D: This view presents a 3D view of the sequence of images, such that the sequence of frames is used to construct the Z axis.

Confine labels to image: Unless drawing is allowed outside of image bounds, do not display labels outside of the image bounds.

Allow mousewheel scaling: When hovering over a selected annotation or ROI, the mousewheel will scale aspects of the selected object rather than the zoom.

Cross Bars

Annotation: Display cross bars on the annotation overlay for lines and polylines.

Line Profile: Display cross bars on the line profile overlay for lines and polylines.

Set Display

Default Set Display: Select the default workspace display for image sets.  If a particular set does not contain dimensions required for the chosen display mode, it will be displayed in a simpler rendering.  

Color Composite Display: Check this box to have Image-Pro open sets as multi-channel color composites.

Auto Tile: Automatically show tiled images if image set contains XY dimension with positioned tiles.

Flip Left-Right: Use reverse tiling order in horizontal direction.

Flip Top-Bottom: Use reverse tiling order in vertical direction.

Blend Overlaps: Combine overlapping tiles with a gradient blend; if not set, no blending is done (faster but not as pretty).

Surface Plot

Render to bitmap:  Enable this option only if surface plots are not being displayed correctly due to problems with OpenGL support on the video card.  This option disables OpenGL's rendering window. 

Application Options


Welcome Screen: Select this option to have the Welcome screen displayed every time you start upImage-Pro.  Uncheck this option to hide the Welcome screen on startup.

Automatic Update Check: Select this option and Image-Prowill check for application updates on startup.

Help improve this product: Help improve this product by sharing anonymous diagnostic information.

Multiple Document Interface

MDI Default: This option enables or disables the MDI Layout option, described below.

MDI Layout: This option controls how Image-Pro arranges multiple images when more than one image is opened in the application workspace.


Color Scheme: Select one of the predefined application color schemes.

Brightness, Contrast, Gamma View: There are four BCG views:

  • Sliders Only

  • Sliders + Numeric Controls

  • Numeric Controls Only

  • Numeric Controls + Popup Sliders

Characteristics View:  There are four options in this group.

These options control the contents of the Optical Characteristics group on the Capture ribbon.

You can choose to show up to 3 of the 4 Optical Characteristics controls.

If you choose to show the Mag*Zoom display, it will display the effective magnification of the image calculated as the magnification of the lens used when the image was acquired multiplied by the current zoom factor of the image display. For example, if you used a 50X lens to capture the image and you are zoomed in at 150%, it would show the effective magnification as 75X.

If you choose to show the Spatial Calibration pull-down list box, it will contain all pre-defined calibration definitions that have been tagged as reference calibrations.  It will also contain any non-reference calibrations that have been loaded or defined in the course of the current session.

Auto Show Measurements Data Table:  Select this option to have Image-Pro automatically show the Measurements data table when the first measurement is made.

Individual Object Display Limit: The value you enter here tells Image-Pro the maximum number of objects per segmentation class generated by a Count operation that are permitted to be displayed individually. If the number of objects exceeds this limit, they will be displayed as a single bit mask, which is a faster way to display multiple measurement objects. In this mode multiple object selection will not be displayed on the image.

Object Count Undo Limit: The maximum number of measurement objects on the image to be backed up for undo. If the number of objects exceeds this limit, the undo of measurements is not created when objects are added or modified. This option can be used to speed up measurement editing when there is a large number of objects.

Show Date/Time Stamp: Select this option to display the date/time stamp on images.  The stamp shows the current time on live previews and the frame time on captured images.

Tint Shortcuts: Select the colors you would like to use as the three tint shortcuts. The tint shortcuts are the left-most tint tools of the image context menu (shown by right-clicking anywhere in an image).

Space Navigator

Sensitivity: This option controls the sensitivity of the Space Navigator mouse.  The higher the number, the more sensitive the mouse.

Panels Layout

Restore Layout:  This option allows you to control how panels are restored to the desktop whenever Image-Pro is started.  

  • None: Select this option and no panels will be loaded whenever Image-Pro started.
  • Restore: Select this option and the same configuration of panels that were loaded the last time you shut down Image-Pro will be loaded whenever Image-Pro is started.
  • Default: Select this option and the default configuration of panels will be loaded whenever Image-Pro is started.

Reset to Default: Click this button to restore the application workspace to its default configuration of panels.

Memory Management

Memory Limit: The memory limit is the amount of memory used for image storage; once this memory is filled, the application will try to discard or page out low-priority image memory.

Maximize Free Memory: This button asks the Windows resource manager to free up as much managed memory as possible.  All on-demand loaded image memory that is not actively displayed will be discarded, and any modified image memory that is not actively displayed will be swapped to disk (see Image Swap File Folder below).

Image Swap File Folder:  You can use this text box to specify the preferred location for storing temporary files created when swapping out image memory.  For example, if you specify "C:\Temp" then temporary files will be stored in that folder.  If left blank, the default system temporary directory will be used.

Max Undoable Image Size:  In order to avoid wasting image memory by placing copies of large images on the undo stack, image data larger than this percentage of the Memory Limit are not kept for Undo. If you are finding that modification steps which you want to restore from the undo stack are being shown as discarded, you probably need to increase this value.

File Options


Prompt for filename for new documents:  If "On," Image-Pro prompts you for a filename whenever you go to save or close a file for the first time.  This gives you a chance to overwrite the default system-supplied name Image-Pro gave the file with a more meaningful name.  

Image Saving

Save Annotations: If selected, Image-Pro enables the storage of annotations in TIF files.  If unchecked, annotations will not be storable across sessions.

Save ROI's: If selected, Image-Pro enables the storage of ROIs in TIF files.  If unchecked, ROIs will not be storable across sessions.

Crop to ROI in Save As: If selected and an image has one or more ROIs defined, only the ROI portion of the image will be saved to a new file when you use the Save As command.  If unchecked, the whole image is always saved to a new file whether or not ROIs are defined in the original image.

Save Grid Overlay: If selected,Image-Pro enables the storage of Grid Overlays in TIF files.  If unchecked, grid overlays will not be storable across sessions.

Save Line Profiles: If selected, Image-Pro enables the storage of Line Profiles in TIF files.  If unchecked, line profiles will not be storable across sessions

Save AutoRecover information: This option enables/disables the AutoRecover feature. If AutoRecover is enabled, Image-Pro periodically stores the latest state of your files automatically, capturing any unsaved changes you have made to them in a special AutoRecover storage location. In the event your application closes prior to saving those changes through the File|Save tool, Image-Pro can restore the changes up to the last AutoRecover storage event. AutoRecover storage events will occur at the frequency indicated by the AutoRecover save frequency option (described below). The latest state of your files is stored in the location indicated by the AutoRecover file location option.

AutoRecover save frequency (minutes): If AutoRecover is enabled (i.e., the Save AutoRecover information option is selected), specify in this text box the frequency, in minutes, that you want files automatically saved.

AutoRecover file location: If AutoRecover is enabled (i.e., the Save AutoRecover information option is selected), specify in this text box the storage location where you want files automatically saved.

Image Loading

Best Fit Display: If selected, this option automatically applies the best fit display when loading images.  The Black Level is set to the intensity determined by the Low% setting. The White Level is set to the intensity determined by the High% setting.

Accumulate Best Fit: Select this option to have Image-Pro accumulate best fit frames when it does on-demand loading of files for file formats that support this feature.

Multiresolution Images Below Threshold Load as Very Large Image:  If selected, this option causes even small multi-resolution images to be opened into the Large Image Workspace.  If not selected, images that will occupy less memory than the Very Large Image Viewer Threshold will open into a normal image workspace.

Very Large Image Viewer Threshold:  This value sets the frame size above which multi-resolution images are always opened into the Large Image workspace; it is specified as a percentage of free image memory.  Images smaller than this threshold will be opened into a normal image workspace if the Multiresolution Images Below Threshold Load as Very Large Image option is not selected.

Calibrate from TIFF resolution:  Select this option to have Image-Pro calibrate open TIFF images from the TIFF resolution information.

Recent Document List Length:  This value is the number of days for which opened documents are kept in the Recent documents panel.

Quick Save for Publication

Prompt for file name:  If selected, Image-Pro prompts you for a filename whenever you save images for Publication or Analysis using the Quick Save for Publication or Quick Save for Analysis tools.  

Folder: Specifies the path and folder name where images saved using the Save for Publication tool will be stored.

File name prefix: Images saved using the Save for Publication tool are given names automatically in the format of a prefix (such as "Publication Image") followed by a sequence number.  This option allows you to specify the prefix to be used.  For example, if you specify the prefix "Publication Image" in this text box, then the first image saved using 'Save for Publication' tool will be named "Publication Image001," the second will be named "Publication Image002," and so on.

File type: Specifies the image format to be used to store images saved using the Save for Publication tool.  The default is JPG because it is a common compressed-file format appropriate for use in documents and Web pages.  But you can choose to have images saved using 'Save for Publication' tool in any one of the other supported image formats.

Output image size (0-original size, pixels): For images saved using the Save for Publication tool, this option specifies the width of the resulting stored image in pixels.  All images saved using the 'Save for Publication' tool will be scaled to the specified width.  Note that the height of saved images will be calculated based on the original image's aspect ratio so that proper proportionality is maintained.

When zero is entered for this option, this feature is disabled; image saved using the 'Save for Publication' tool will be stored with their original pixel resolution.  

Use current zoom:  When this option is active and 'Output image size' is 0, the image is captured using the current magnification.  When this option is off, the result image will have the size defined by the 'Output image size' parameter.

Auto open: When checked, images created and stored using the Save for Publication tool will be automatically open to the Image-Pro workspace at the time they are stored.  Since the 'Save for Publication' feature often effects image data due to downsizing and compression, this option is made available to allow you to check the quality of such images when they are created.

Play sound: Select this option to have Image-Pro give you a sound indication when something has completed being saved for Publication or Analysis.

Quick Save for Analysis

Folder: Specifies the path and folder name where images saved using the Save for Analysis tool will be stored.

File name prefix: Images saved using the Save for Analysis tool are given names automatically in the format of a prefix (such as "Analysis Image") followed by a sequence number.  This option allows you to specify the prefix to be used.  For example, if you specify the prefix "Analysis Image" in this text box, then the first image saved using 'Save for Analysis' tool will be named "Analysis Image001," the second will be named "Analysis Image002," and so on.

File type: Specifies the image format to be used to store images saved using the Save for Analysis tool.  The default is TIF because it is a format that does not use compression and that supports the saving of ROIs and annotations.  But you can choose to have images saved using 'Save for Analysis' tool in any one of the other supported image formats.

Paste Options

Action Options

Preview Paste: This option allows you to preview the results of the paste operation before the pasted data is 'burned in' to the image.

Preview with blend: Enable this option to view the Clipboard data as it would appear if you were to paste it with the specified Source blend percentage.  This allows you to see the effect of your blend settings while you are positioning the Clipboard data prior to actually pasting it into your image.

Apply with blend: When blending is turned on, pasted image data is 'blended' with existing image data by doing pixel averaging.  The result is that the pasted image appears semi-transparent, and the contours of both images can be discerned after the paste operation.  The pasted image data will be more or less prominent depending on the weighting value used for the blending, as specified in the Source Blend Percentage control.  When blending is turned off, pasted image data is completely opaque.

ROI After Paste

ROI after paste: This option controls how any given pasted-to ROI in a destination image is to be treated when the paste operation is completed.

  • Paste source ROI:  The destination ROI is used for placing the pasted data initially, and then it is replaced by the source ROI.
  • Keep destination ROI the same:  The destination ROI is used for placing the pasted data initially, and after the data is pasted, the destination ROI is left in the image unchanged.
  • Intersect source and destination:  The destination ROI is used for placing the pasted data initially; when the paste operation is finalized, the resulting ROI will be the overlapping portions of the source and destination ROIs.  
  • Clear destination of ROI to none:  The destination ROI is used for placing the pasted data initially; when the paste operation is finalized, neither the source nor target ROIs are retained in the pasted-to image.

Blend Control

Source blend percentage: This control is only relevant if the Apply with Blend option is set to On.  The Source blend percentage control indicates how transparent or opaque pasted image data should be.

Blend Type:   Specify the intensity values that are to be affected by the blend.  Select from the following:

  • Blend all pixels:  The Clipboard data will be applied, in the specified blend ratio, to all pixels in the paste area, regardless of their intensity.
  • Blend only Lighter Destination Pixels:  The Clipboard pixels will be pasted (in the specified blend ratio) only in places where the destination pixel is lighter than the corresponding Clipboard pixel.
  • Blend only Darker Destination Pixels:The Clipboard pixels will be pasted (in the specified blend ratio) only in places where the destination pixel is darker than the corresponding Clipboard pixel.  

Action Masking

Source ROI masking: If checked, Image-Pro pastes from the source ROI only, if an ROI exists in the source.

Destination ROI masking: If checked, pasted data will be placed inside of an existing ROI in the destination image, if one exists.

Source ROI masking (Paste New): If checked, Image-Pro only pastes from the source ROI if you use the Paste New command.     

Histogram & Profile


Histogram: Shows/hides a histogram of the active image in the Image Histogram window.

Dynamic: Shows/hides a dynamic representation of the active image's histogram in the Image Histogram window.  This is a virtual histogram of the image after the black level, white level, and LUT adjustments have been applied.

LUT: Shows/hides a graphical representation of the active image's brightness, contrast, and gamma adjustments in the Image Histogram window.

BW Levels: Shows/hides the dotted vertical bars representing the active image's black level and the white level in the Image Histogram window.


Axis X: Shows/hides the X axis values along the bottom of the active image's histogram in the Image Histogram window.  

Axis Y: Shows/hides the Y axis values along the left side of the active image's histogram in the Image Histogram window.

Legend: Shows/hides the legend display in the Image Histogram window

Statistics: Shows/hides the Statistics table in the Image Histogram window.  Also, provides options for the placement of the Statistics table within the Image Histogram window.


Ignore ROI: If selected, Image-Pro displays histogram data for the entirety of the active image, regardless of ROIs that have been defined.

Active frame: This option is only relevant for sequence files.  If selected, Image-Pro displays histogram data for only the active frame of the sequence file.  Otherwise, all frames of the sequence are included in the histogram calculation.

Mono interpretation:  This option is only relevant for color images.  If selected, luminance values are calculated from the R, G, and B channels for all pixels, and the luminance values are graphed in the histogram.  Otherwise, the R, G, and B channels are graphed separately.

Exclude Bins: Allows you to exclude the specified number of pixel values ("Bins") from the histogram display.  For example, if you enter "10," the lowest and highest 10 pixel values are not graphed in the histogram.

Auto Open/Close: Automatically opens/closes the Image Histogram when an image is activated/deactivated.

Line Profile

Initial Profile: Select one of the options in this pull-down list box to control what line profile(s), if any, are displayed when the Line Profile window is initially opened.

Save Line Profiles: If selected,Image-Pro enables the storage of Line Profiles in TIF files.  If unchecked, line profiles will not be storable across sessions.

Status Bar Options

The selections in this options group allow you to show or hide information items appearing on the application status bar.


Cursor Position Calibrated:   Select "On"to display pixel values in calibrated units. 

Cursor Position Calibrated:   Select "On" to display the X,Y position of the cursor in calibrated units..   


Image Type: Show/hide information about the image type in the status bar.

Image Size: Show/hide the image size data in the status bar.

Frame Number: Show/hide the active frame number and total of frames in the current image sequence in the status bar.

Frame Time: Show/hide information about the time when the frame was created in the status bar.

Cursor Position: Select "On" to display the X and Y pixel coordinates of the mouse cursor.

Pixel Value: Select "On" to display the intensity value of the pixel identified by the cursor in the status bar.

ROI Extents: Select "On" to display the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the active ROI in the status bar.

ROI Size: Select "On" to display the width and height (in pixels) of the active image or ROI in the status bar.

Spatial Calibration: Select "On" to display the name of the spatial calibration in use in the status bar.

Intensity Calibration: Show/hide the intensity calibration in the status bar. 

Note: Widen the window to display the full complement of panes. You may also adjust the size of the individual panes If the information item you have selected (ROI Size, for example) is not displayed on the status bar, your application window may be too small to display it. 

You can also hide or show status bar items by selecting or unselecting them on the status bar context menu.

Right-click on the status bar to display this menu.

In Image-Pro, you will notice that the status bar has been rearranged. The icons for the 3D viewer and the Slicer views have moved to the start of the list of views on the image context ribbon, and in the toolshed portion of the status bar.

Capture Options


Simulation Mode:  Enables the simulation mode in the capture module.

Reset Capture Region: Set to "On" to have Image-Pro reset the capture ROI settings to full size at startup.  Otherwise, the last-used ROI will be reapplied across sessions.

Capture Memory Allocation: This option specifies the percentage of system memory to allocate for image capture. You must restart application for changes to this option to be applied.


Preview in New Window: Determines whether or not to open a new window every time the live image preview is started.

Open Settings When Starting Preview:  Opens the Camera Settings dialogs whenever the Live Preview window is opened.

Close Live Preview with Other Views: Closes the Live Preview window when the Close All Views tool is clicked.

Capture Side by Side: If checked, newly captured images are displayed next to, instead of on top of, the live preview window.

Multi-Channel Capture

Enable multi-Channel capture: Turns on multi-channel capture mode.

Model: Selects the light source model to use or Manual or Simulation. Manual will support multi-channel capture for manually operated microscopes. Simulation will emulate the operation of a real light source for testing or demonstration purposes.

Port: Selects the communication port for light sources which require this input. Please see the documentation for the specific light source for more details. The Simulation light source will operate with any Port selected.


Flip Horizontally: Flips the acquired TWAIN image horizontally.

Flip Vertically: Flips the acquired TWAIN image vertically.

Display Options


Enable All Hints: Select/deselect this option to enable/disable hints for all tool categories.

Spatial Calibration Warning: Select the method you want Image-Pro to use when displaying the spatial calibration warning message (Balloon or Warning Bar), or select None to turn off the spatial calibration warning messages. The spatial calibration warning is displayed when images are captured without a spatial calibration applied to them.

Intensity Calibration Warning: Select the method you want Image-Pro to use when displaying the intensity calibration warning message (Balloon or Warning Bar), or select None to turn off the intensity calibration warning messages. The intensity calibration warning is displayed when images are captured without an intensity calibration applied to them.

Live Preview Measurements Copy Warning: This option is selected by default. It enables a warning message that will be displayed whenever you attempt to capture an image and you have measurements on the Preview window that won't be valid for the captured image. This can be the case, for example, if you have different binning or region settings for preview and capture through the Camera Controls dialog box (click here for more information). To disable these messages, deselect this option. Note that measurement information on captured images may be incorrect if it was copied from the preview screen and capture and preview settings are different.


No. of digits after decimal: This option determines how distance measurements are reported -- to the tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.

Angle Units: Specifies the units that will be used for calculating angles.

Date/Time Format: This option determines how data/time data is reported.

Ribbon Tabs

Show Custom Tab: The Custom tab is a tab that you can set up with 'favorite' tools from the other tabs. Select/deselect this option to show/hide the Custom tab. For example, if you are not using the Custom tab, you might want to hide it.

First Custom Tab: Select this option to make the Custom tab the first left-most tab in the ribbon bar. If you configure this tab to contain the tools you use most, you might want it to be the first tab for convenience.

Name: In this text box, type of the default name for the Custom tab with a more meaningful name. For example, type "Favorites" in this text box, and the tab will be called "Favorites" in the ribbon bar.

Show Extra Tabs: Select/deselect this checkbox to show/hide the Extras tab. This tab contains experimental tools and is recommended only for advanced users.

Show Scripting tab in the Ribbon: The Scripting tab contains various development tools available for the product. Select/deselect this option to show/hide the Scripting tab.

Hide Tabs: Select this option to hide the standard set of tabs in the application. You might want to do this, for example, if you have configured the Custom tab to contain all of the tools you use. Selecting this option does not affect the visibility of the Custom, Extras, and Automation tabs. Also, all contextual tabs, such as the Line Profile and Image tabs, are not affected by this option.

Task Scheduling Options


Batch Process All: Process all compatible operations in the background tasks using the task manager.

Email Results To: Email address where to send notifications

SMTP Server Address: Emails are sent using this server. Note that some servers do not support this feature.

Email All Batched Tasks Results: Send email for all tasks.

Task Manager

Expand All: By default, commands are not expanded when they have sub-commands resulting of a processing split, this option allows to auto-expand all commands.

Display Hidden tasks: Some commands are used internally and would confuse the display (filter preview, guard band processing) so by default they are not displayed in the task manager.

Remove Processed Tasks: Clear tasks from the Task Manager once they are done.

Number Of Processed Tasks To Retain: When clearing tasks, keep that many.

Export Options


Export Data to:  Select how you want data exported to Excel.  Data can be exported to a new worksheet, or it can be appended to the bottom or to the right of data in an existing worksheet.

Position: Select the starting cell for the exported data.  For example, if you select 1x1 for Position and "New Worksheet" for Export Data To, the first data block will begin in the first horizontal and vertical cell of the new worksheet.

Offset: This option allows you to define the offset between two blocks of data.

Title:  Select his option to export the titles of graphs, tables, and images along with the data.

Column Headers: Select this option to export table column headers along with the data.

Row Headers: Select his option to export table row headers along with the data.

Borders: Select this option to have Image-Pro draw borders around exported data tables.

Style: Select this option to have Image-Pro export column's/cell's style (font and images).  Note that selecting this option can slow down the export process.

Background: Select this option to have Image-Pro export the background of the source table.  


Data to Export: This control relates to the PowerPoint tool in the Export group of the Review ribbon.  It defines what you want exported to PowerPoint.  Select "Document View" to export only the current frame without any annotations or data overlays.  Select "Active Frame" to export the current frame with all annotations and data overlays.  Select "Active Frame Range" to export all frames of the currently active image, with annotations and data overlays.

Advanced Options

Task Scheduling

Split Large Sequences: Allows Image-Pro to split processing of sequences.

Minimum Frames per Engine: Displays the minimum allowable number of frames for splitting sequences.

Split Large Single Frames:  Allows Image-Pro to split processing for large frames when possible.

Minimum Region Size per Engine: Indicates the minimum allowable region size for splitting large frames.

Number of Background Engines: This setting defaults to the number of cores minus 1 minus the number of priority engines

Number of Priority Engines: Displays the number of engines that are only Threads Per Core: number of threads allowed for each physical core.

Threads Per Core: Indicates the number of threads allowed for each physical core.

Threads Os Factor: Displays a number between 0 and 1 that defines if and how to modulate the number of threads based on CPU utilization. 0 ignores the CPU utilization, 1 decreases the Threads Total Count with the CPU usage ratio.

Threads Queue Factor: Displays a number between 0 and 1 that defines how much priority to give to the first commands in the task queue as opposed to distributing resources amongst all queued commands.

Threads Task Factor: Displays a  number between 0 and 1 that defines how to distribute resources between background engine main threads and operator sub-threads. 1 means that all free threads are made available to task scheduling, 0 means that all free threads are made available to sub-thread allocation.

In case the application is closed while background tasks are being processed, a small icon appears in the Status Bar notification area. Double-clicking this icon will restore the application window , and a context menu also allows you to cancel all remaining tasks. If they are not cancelled, all the tasks will be processed and the application will exit after that.

Audit Trail

Enable Audit Trail: Check this box to enable logging of Image-Pro commands executed during a given session.  To see the log, click on the Audit Trail tool on the Review ribbon bar.

Enable Document Trail: Check this box to have Image-Pro automatically save documents' audit trails when documents are saved.  When documents are saved, their history trail is saved in a file with the same name as the document’s but with the additional extension “.audit.xml”, unless the "Embed Document Trail" option is on (see below).

Embed Document Trail: This option is only enabled if the Enable Document Trail option is selected (described above).  Check this box to have Image-Pro automatically embed document trails in the header of compatible documents (TIFF and similar formats).

Automatic File Signature: Check this box to have Image-Pro automatically add document signatures to the audit trail when documents are opened or saved.

Automatic Image Signature: Check this box to have Image-Pro automatically add image signatures to the audit trail when images are opened or saved.

Memory Management

Automatically Recycle Unused Memory: If enabled, Image-Pro will recycle unused memory at the frequency defined below.

Automated Memory Recycling Frequency: This text box specifies the frequency of unused memory recycling, in Seconds. This is only meaningful if the Automatically Recycle Unused Memory option is enabled.


Expert Mode: With this mode enabled, controls in the Count/Size tab remain active during the execution of Protocols. The option to create new protocols is enabled.

Run on Composite View: With this mode enabled (it is enabled by default) protocols are executed directly on the composite view of multi-channel datasets.

AI Deep Learning

Use GPU: With this option enabled, deep learning training and prediction will be greatly accelerated by being done on the GPU. Disable this option only if you do not have a supported GPU in order to execute deep learning on the CPU.


Reset to Default: Click this button to reset the options on the Advanced page to their default values.

3D View Options


Default Viewing Mode: Sets the viewing mode based on the performance on the PC. The mode defines the default options used fo sub-sampling and visualization. Low mode uses parameters for fast loading and visualization High mode provides better quality, but is slower. Use High mode only on high performance computers. Full resolution tries to load volumes without sub-sampling.

Show sub-sampling info: Shows a message box if the volume is loading with sub-sampling.

View Synchronization

Advanced Sync: Select this option to synchronize rendering options of locked views, such as Slice position, orientation, and so on. When this option is off, only the camera position is synchronized. Multiple 3D views can be synchronized from the Images Panel or the Lock button on the Image tab.

Large Volumes


Enable Large Volume Display Handling: Select this option to turn on the capabilities of Image-Pro to optimize your computer for rendering Large Volumes on your desktop.

File Generation

Show file generation info: Select "Balloon" or "Status Bar" to receive notification when Image-Pro is generating a Large Volume file from a normal volume document. For example, you will be notified when you are working with a volume that exceeds the size specified in the Auto Generation size threshold option described below. If you select "Balloon", the notification is a popup balloon message; if you select "Status Bar", the notification will appear in the application status bar. Select "None" to large volume generation notification off.

Auto Generation size threshold (MB): Image-Pro will automatically generate Large Volume files for volumes of the size you specify here and larger.

Large Volume Files folder: Use this control to specify the folder you want Image-Pro to use when creating Large Volume files.

Use source image folder: Select this option if you want Image-Pro to use the same folder where the source volume is stored when creating a Large Volume file from it. This option overrides the Large Volume Files folder option described above.

Open Large Volume Files folder in Windows Explorer: Click this control to launch the Windows Explorer application and show the contents of the Large Volume Files folder specified in the Large Volume Files folder field described above.

Convert image files to Large Volume Files: This option allows you to navigate to an image file through Windows Explorer and select it to have Image-Pro convert it to a Large Volume file.

Convert Active Document to Large Volume File: Click this option to have Image-Pro created a Large Volume file from the document currently opened in the Image-Pro workspace.

Volume Visualization

Resolution: Use this option to select the desired resolution type for visualizing Large Volumes. Select "Variable" to allow Image-Pro to visualize volumes initially at a low resolution (in order to show them quickly) and to gradually increase the resolution over time. Select "Fixed 50%" or "Fixed 25%" if the volume can't fit into memory when displayed at 100% resolution. Select "Fixed 100%" if you are creating screenshots or animations to ensure that every frame has the defined resolution.

Use default CPU memory percentage: Select this option to have Image-Pro use your computer's default CPU memory percentage for volume visualizations. Uncheck this option if you want to use a specific percentage. Enter the percentage you want to use in the CPU Memory limit (%) spin box.

Use default GPU memory percentage: Select this option to have Image-Pro use your computer's default GPU memory percentage for volume visualizations. Uncheck this option if you want to use a specific percentage. Enter the percentage you want to use in the GPU Memory limit (%) spin box.

Addins Options

Addins are extra features which have been installed into Image-Pro. See the Documentation folder for help on specific Addins.