Quick Save
The tools in the Quick Save group provide you with a quick and easy method of saving your images.
Analysis: By default, converts the image to a TIF format and stores the image in the "..\\My Documents\Image-Pro\Images" folder with the prefix "Image". Note that the file format, storage location, and prefix can all be customized through the Options dialog box.
Publication: Stores your image in a format that can be easily incorporated into a report or spreadsheet. When you click on this option, Image-Pro automatically burns-in annotations, ROIs, and measurements and, by default, converts the image to an 8-bit, .jpg compatible format, resizes the image to a standard size, and stores the image in the "..\\My Documents\Image-Pro\Images" folder with the prefix "Picture". Note that the file format, storage location, image size, and prefix can all be customized through the Options dialog box.
Movie: This option is only enabled for sequence files. When you select this option, Image-Pro stores your sequence file as an AVI movie file. Note that AVI movies are stored at a maximum of a 24-bit bit depth. Images with greater than a 24-bit bit depth for color images or 8-bit bit depth for monochrome images will be scaled down.