
Use the options in the Paragraph group to apply common formatting attributes to your paragraphs. For example, this group provides tools to align, indent, and add bullets and numbers to text in reports.

Bullets: Adds bullets to the currently-selected list/ paragraphs. Once bullets are added, you can change the bullet character and placement. TIP: Use the Indent tool to quickly and easily make selected list items sub-bullets of other bullets.

Numbers: Adds sequential numbering to the currently-selected list/paragraphs. Once sequential numbering is added, you can change the character, placement, and other attributes of the numbers.

Multilevel Numbers: Creates an outlined list of the selected paragraphs. Use the Indent tool to structure the list. The outline numbers are automatically updated accordingly. For example, subordinate items of paragraph 1.1 would be 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. Click here for step by step instructions.

Indent: Indents the currently-selected paragraphs .5 inches. If the paragraph is bulleted, the bullet character is automatically changed to the next-level sub-bullet character. If the paragraph is numbered, numbering is restarted. If the paragraph is outline numbered, the numbering is updated to show that the indented items are subordinates of the preceding item in the list. For example, subordinate items of paragraph 1.1 would be 1.1.1 and 1.1.2.

Outdent: Outdents the currently-selected paragraphs .5 inches. If the paragraph is bulleted, the bullet character is automatically changed to the next-level bullet character. If the paragraph is outline numbered, the numbering is updated to show that the outdented items are no longer subordinates of the preceding item in the list.

Show/Hide Paragraph Markers: Click this tool to show/hide the paragraph markers in the report.

Left Align: Click this tool to left-align the selected paragraphs. There are also tools to center, right-align, and justify align paragraphs.

Line Spacing: This tool provides a quick way to increase or decrease the line spacing of a paragraph of text. For more line spacing and paragraph spacing options, click on the control at the bottom-right corner of the Paragraph group. The Paragraph dialog box is displayed.

Paragraph Background Color: This tool allows you to apply a color to the background of the selected text.