
Find: Allows you to find text strings and regular expressions in your report. When you click this tool, the Find dialog box is displayed.

In the Find text box, type the text string or regular expression you want Image-Pro to search for in the report. If you use a regular expression, be sure and check the Regular Expression checkbox.

When you click the Find Next button, Image-Pro searches the report for the text string or regular expression. It stops and highlights the first instance of a match it encounters. You can click the Find Next button to have Image-Pro move to the next instance of a match and highlight it, if one exists.

You can use the following options to refine your search.

  • Match case: Check this box is you want the search to be case-sensitive. Instances of the same sequence of letters that do not also match the case of the letters will not be considered a match.
  • Find whole words only: Check this box if you want Image-Pro to ignore matching instances of the search string if the instance of it is not a whole word (i.e., surrounded by non-alphanumberic characters).
  • Regular expression: Check this box if you want Image-Pro to interpret the search string as a regular expression.


Replace: The replace tool opens the Find dialog box with the "Replace" tab showing.

This tab adds the replace with text box to the "Find" tab set of controls (as described above). This tab allows you to have Image-Pro automatically replace instances that match the search string you enter in the Find text box with the string you enter in the replace with text box.