
The tools in the Links group allow you to insert bookmarks and hyperlinks into your reports.

Bookmark: Click this tool to insert a bookmark into your report at the current cursor location. A bookmark is a named point in the report that you can link to using hyperlinks. When you click this tool, the Bookmark dialog box appears.

Enter the name you want to use to label the point in the document where the bookmark will be inserted, then click on Add. Use the Hyperlink tool (described below) to link to this bookmark from other places in the report.

Hyperlink: Use this tool to insert a hyperlink into your report at the current cursor location. A hyperlink is a text string that, when you click it, takes you to another location in the document, a URL on the Web, or a file on a network. When you click this tool, the Hyperlink dialog box is displayed.

Text to display: In this text box, type the test string that you want to appear in the report with the hyperlink. Note that this field will be grayed out if you highlighted a text string in the report at the time you click the Hyperlink tool. In this case, the hyperlink will be applied to the highlighted text string.

ScreenTip: This field is optional. In this text box, type the text that you want to appear to the report reader when he/she hovers over the hyperlink text with the mouse.

Link to: Select whether you are creating a hyperlink to link to an external file or web page, or whether you are creating a hyperlink to link to a bookmark in the same report.

Address: If you are linking to bookmark in the same report as the link, then you can pull-down the list box and view all of the bookmarks defined in the document. Simply click on the bookmark in the list to select it. Note that bookmarks will only appear in the list if the Link to option selected is "Place in this document." If you are linking to an external file or web page, then click the button to navigate to the file or web page.

See also: