
Select: The Select tool is used to select previously-drawn ROIs on the image in order to move, edit, or delete them. To select more than one ROI, hold down the <CTRL> key while clicking them. You may also select multiple ROIs by clicking-and-dragging a rectangle around them.  To select all ROIs in the active image, you can simply type <CTRL>+A.

Hide or Show All: This tool provides a menu of options for showing and hiding selected ROIs.

  • Show All: If you have previously enabled the Hide Selected or Show Selected tools, you can click this tool to restore all ROIs to visibility.
  • Hide Selected: If you use the Select tool to select one or more ROIs in the image, you can click this tool to hide them from visibility.
  • Show Selected:  If you use the Select tool to select one or more ROIs in the image, you can click this tool to hide all other (unselected) measurements from visibility.
  • Hide or Show Overlay: Hides/shows the current set of visible ROIs.
  • Unlock Objects: When locked, object outlines can be selected and deleted, but they cannot be moved or adjusted.  Click this tool to unlock objects so that their outlines can be moved and adjusted.

Delete: The Delete button will permanently delete the selected ROI from the image.

Delete All: The Delete All button will permanently remove all ROIs from the active image.