
The tools in the Line Profile > File group allow you to save and load line profile configurations.  These options are provided so that you can baseline your work defining line profiles and collecting and analyzing line profile data, and so that it can be preserved and restored across sessions.  

Open State:  Click this tool to load a previously saved line profile configuration.  When you click this tool, you will be prompted to select the *.lps file containing the line profile configuration you want to restore.  All line profile attributes, settings, and definitions will be restored, including profile overlays, edge detection parameters and classes, measurements, and options.  IMPORTANT: Note that the current state of line profile options and definitions will be deleted and replaced with the state loaded from the file.

Save State:  Click this tool to save the current line profile configuration to a file.  All line profile attributes, settings, and definitions will be stored, including profile overlays, edge detection parameters and classes, measurements, and options.