
The options in the Result group allow you to display the result window of the Image Compare feature.  The result window acts like a light box, allowing you to lay out images for comparison by placing them on top of each other.  Using this tool, you can lay semi-transparent versions of images on top of each other so that differences and similarities between those images can be readily observed.  

Use the various controls on the Image Compare ribbon to optimally register and align the images for comparison, and use the controls in the Result group to view similarities and differences between the images.  The controls in the Result group are described below.

Preview: Check/uncheck this checkbox to show/hide the result window.  Just below this control is a list box containing the image comparison options:

  • Difference: If you select this option, Image-Pro subtracts overlapping pixels; negative values are treated as zero.
  • Subtraction:  If you select this option, Image-Pro subtracts overlapping pixels and uses the absolute value of the result.  For example, if the subtraction results in a negative value, it is treated as a positive value.
  • XOR:  If you select this option, Image-Pro performs an "exclusive OR" operation on overlapping pixels.  In this case, only when a bit value is “on” in one pixel and “off” in the other will the bit be “on” in the result.  If bit values are “on” in both overlapping pixels, or if they are “off” in both overlapping pixels, they will be “off” in the result.

Best Fit: Click this tool to have Image-Pro automatically adjust the black level and white level of the image in the result window to the lowest and highest pixel intensity values in the image.  

Apply: Click this button to create a new image out of the current arrangement of superimposed images.  Click the Apply down arrow to select the type of image comparison you want Image-Pro to perform in creating the new image.  

The "View" option creates a new image out of the current contents of the Image Compare view (not the results window, but the window containing the semi-transparent versions of the source images).  The other options are described for the Preview control above.