3D View > Animation

Image-Pro with 3D Module only

Image-Pro allows you to create animations of image sequences viewed as volumes in the 3D Viewer. An animation is a sequence of snapshots of the volume taken as the 'camera' is moved around it. When viewed in rapid succession, the animation makes it appear that the volume is being rotated, turned, or otherwise moved in space.

The Animation group contains the tools that allow you to create, record, and play animation files (*.anm) in the Image-Pro 3D workspace.

Hide/Show Animation Cameras: The Hide/Show Animation Cameras tool allows you to show the positions of cameras in the current animation.

Add Camera Position: Clicking the Add Camera Position tool adds the current camera position to the sequence of animation camera positions. The current camera position is the perspective you are currently looking at in the Viewer window. The new position is added to the existing sequence of camera positions immediately after whichever number position is currently selected in the Camera Positions Spin Box (described below).

Click on the arrow to the right of this tool to reveal additional options:

  • Replace Camera Position: Use this tool to replace one of the camera positions in the currently=-n the animation sequence. Specifically, this tool replaces the the animation sequence position currently selected in the Camera Positions Spin Box (described below) with the view of the volume as it currently appears in the Viewer window. For example, suppose you select position "2" in the Camera Positions Spin Box. Image-Pro will immediately position the camera to position 2; you can then drag the volume to a new view in the Viewer window and click the Replace Camera Position button to overwrite position 2 with the new camera position.
  • Circular animation: This tool creates an animation that moves the camera in an evenly spaced, circular path around the volume, perpendicular to the Viewer window, and half-way between the top and bottom of the window. It is a good idea to clear all animation settings using the Delete All tool before clicking on the Circular Animation option.
  • Fly-Around Animation: This tool creates an animation that spins the camera from a stationary position perpendicular to the Viewer window. It is a good idea to clear all animation settings using the Delete All tool before clicking on the Fly-Around Animation option.
  • See-saw Animation: This tool creates an animation that rocks the volume around the vertical axis back and forth by approximately 30 degrees. It is a good idea to clear all animation settings using the Delete All tool before clicking on the See-saw Animation option.

Play/Pause: Click this button plays your animation sequence according to your current animation configuration. While an animation is playing, the button changes to a Pause button. Click the pause button to stop the animation.

Camera Positions Spin Box: The spin box to the right of the Play button lists the currently-defined camera positions. Each number in the list represents a different camera position in the animation sequence. Select a number from the list to have Image-Pro instantly show the volume in the camera position that corresponds to that number.

Edit Frames: Use the Edit Frames tool to change the number of intermediate frames Image-Pro will insert between the different camera positions you have defined (as listed in the Camera Position spin box, described above). The more intermediate frames you define, the smoother the animation will be. Click on the arrow to the Edit Frames tool to show the following additional options:

  • Frames: Use the Frames spin box to specify a precise number of intermediate frames you want to use between currently-selected camera position (as showing in the Camera Positions spin box) and the next position in the list. As stated above, the greater the number of intermediate frames, the smoother the animation will appear.
  • Double frames/Half frames: You can quickly double the number of intermediate frames for the currently selected camera position by clicking the Double Frames button. Likewise, you can quickly cut the number of intermediate frames in half for the currently selected camera position by clicking the Double Frames button.
  • Double all/Halve all: Use the Double all and Halve all options to apply the operation to all camera positions.

Save/Load Animation: To save an animation click the Save button and select path and name for the animation file. Previously-saved animations can be loaded using the Load button.

Clipboard: Click on this tool to copy the current view of the 3D representation to the Windows clipboard.  Once stored in the Windows clipboard, the image can be pasted into any application that can show digital images.

Create Image: Click on this tool to create a new image in Image-Pro of the current view of the 3D representation.  The new image appears in the application workspace titled "<original_sequence_name>_3DAnimation". The new image is not stored to disk until you use the Save As command.

Create Movie: Use the Create Movie tool to create an animated movie of the current animation path -- that is, according to the current animation settings.  The new movie file appears in the application workspace titled "<original_sequence_name>_3DAnimation". The new movie file is not stored to disk until you use the Save As command.

Options: This tool provides several options to tailor the way Image-Pro renders animations. When you click on this tool, an options menu is displayed with the following options:

  • Connect Start and End: Select this option to connect the beginning and end of the animation sequence to create a continuous loop.
  • Circular Frames: This spin box defines how many frames will be generated when you create a new circular animation file.
  • Inter Frames: This spin box defines the default number of intermediate frames that Image-Pro will apply to custom animation definitions.
  • Antialiasing: This tool allows you increase or decrease the quality of edges in your animations. The greater the number of passes, the better the edges will appear.
  • Use Fixed Image Size: This option allows you to define the size the movie created using the Create Movie tool (described above). Enter the values for  Width and Heights (in pixels) to set the size. When this option is off, the current window size is used.
  • Synchronize with Time: If  the loaded image set has multiple time points, use this option to synchronize the time points with the camera positions.
  • Advance Animation: The Advanced Animation option allows you to use different rendering settings for every camera position in the animation.   You can change any rendering parameter, such as transparency or palette, toggle visibility of slices and volume measurements, visibility of channels and so on. The changes will be applied when the corresponding camera position and following intermediate frames are rendered. Note that only existing rendering elements can be used with advanced animation . You will need to add all necessary elements, such as ortho and oblique slices, iso-surfaces and volume measurements before  starting to record an animation.  The visibility and parameters of all rendering elements can be changed during recording.