Count/Size Protocol Result Options

When all segmentation steps have been executed for an Count/Size Protocol, measurements are generated and shown as overlays representing the measured objects on the results image.

The result image with overlays can be saved to a file using the Save button (Save Result Image to File) in the Data Saving Options group.

Results are automatically collected to the Data Collector with pre-defined measurement types. Every protocol may have its own bespoke group of measurement types, you can edit the measurements associated with a protocol by clicking the Types button. See the Data Collector topic for more information on adding and editing measurements to Data Collector.

You can define the ways in which data is displayed following the execution of a protocol:

  • Auto Export Results to Excel – this option will export the populated Data Collector table to Excel.
  • Auto Save Snapshot to Data Collector – this option adds a snapshot of the results image (with overlays) to the Data Collector.
  • Auto Show Results – this option allows you to automatically display Data Collector charts. You can select chart types from the drop-down list.

You can define specific measurement types and display options for each selected chart. Click the Read button to save the options to the protocol.

If you change options, add your own measurement types or modify the selected measurement types of the Data Collector, the Collect button (Read Options and Collect Data) must be clicked to save the modified list into the protocol.

When you are satisfied with the results and measurements, the experiment protocol can be saved. Click the Save button in the Save Protocol group. You can set the Name of the protocol and a Version. Versioning is useful for datasets that were acquired under different conditions, for example with different objective lenses (e.g. Magnification x10, x50). Protocol versions are grouped together and displayed in a single Protocols button dropdown.

When the Use Default File Location option is checked, the file is saved to the Protocols folder of the application.

C:\Users\<Your User Account>\Documents\Image-Pro<Version>\Protocols

If this option is deselected, you can save protocols to any location. When the protocol is saved it’s added to the list of predefined protocols in the Protocols button drop down.

Clicking the Finish button will close all temporary images and return the protocol to the first page of the wizard.

Sharing Protocols

Protocols are saved as .pch files.

You are free to share these files with other users of Image-Pro who can import them from the Protocol Browser.

The Protocol Browser

If you share a protocol that uses a non-default deep learning model (a model that you have trained) at a segmentation step you must also export and share the accompanying model.

The Model Manager

The recipient of the protocol must then import both the model and the protocol.