3D View > Output

Image-Pro without 3D Module only

The Output group of the 3D View ribbon has options that allow you to capture the 3D representation as a static image or as an animation. The options are described below.

Clipboard: Click on this tool to copy the current view of the 3D representation to the Windows clipboard.  Once stored in the Windows clipboard, the image can be pasted into any application that can show digital images.

Image: Click on this tool to create a new image in Image-Pro of the current view of the 3D representation.  The new image appears in the application workspace titled "<original_sequence_name>_3DView."  The new image is not stored to disk until you use the Save As command.

Animation: Use the Animation tool to create an animated movie of the 3D representation turning in space.  When you click on this tool, the Create Animation dialog box appears.

Use the X, Y, and Z spin boxes to define the rotation angle in degrees.  A value in the X spin box causes the image to rotate top to bottom the specified number of degrees (where 350 is one complete turn); a value in the Y spin box causes the image to rotate left to right; and a value in the Z spin box causes the image to rotate counterclockwise.

Use the "Number of steps" spin box to specify how many frames to use to effect the defined degrees of rotation.  For example, if you put a value of "2," then the resulting animation will have only two frames.