3D Options

Image-Pro with 3D Module only

The 3D Options dialog box is displayed when you click on the Options tool on the 3D Measure ribbon. It has three groupings of controls: Labels, Outlines, and Volume Objects.

Labels: The Labels group provides display options for the content, positioning, and appearance of measurement labels. It allows you to configure the following settings:

  • Text:  Defines the text to be displayed with measurements.  You can select "None" (no labels will be shown), "Measurement" (measurement data will be shown), "Name" (the measurement name will be shown), or "Name and Measurement."

  • Font:  The font controls allow you to change the color and size of the label text.  

  • Decimals: Defines the number of digits after the decimal point to be displayed when measurement data is displayed in labels.  (Only applicable if "Measurement" or "Name and Measurement" is selected for Text.)

Outlines: The Outlines group provides options for modifying the appearance of manual measurement overlay lines. It allows you to configure the following settings:

  • Line Width:  Defines the width of 3D manual measurement lines, in pixels.

  • Arrow Size:  Defines the size of the conical arrows used on 3D manual measurement lines.

  • Sphere Size: Defines the size of the spheres used for 3D manual measurement point markers and line and polyline nodes.

  • Color:  Use this color picker tool to select the color to assign to all 3D manual measurements.

  • Selection: Use this color picker tool to select the color to assign to the currently selected manual measurements.

  • Enable Edit: Point markers, and points that are the nodes of lines and polylines, are shown as spheres in the 3D Viewer. If the Enable Edit box is checked, then point markers and nodes appear with boxes around them (called "dragging boxes") when they are selected. If the Enable Edit option is checked, the positions of the spheres can be edited by dragging them to new positions. The spheres cannot be clicked and dragged when the Enable Edit option is deselected.

Volume Objects: The Volume Objects group provides options for coloring.

  • Coloring: The Coloring control defines what color the objects will have. Two choices are available: Parent and Random. If Parent is selected, the objects inherit he color from the parent iso-surface/volume measurement. If Random is selected, the colors for objects are generated randomly, so every object has a different color.