Creating a Lens Definition

A Lens definition is a collection of information about a lens that was (or will be) used in the viewing and capturing of images. These instructions explain how to create a new lens definition.

To create a lens definition:

  1. Open the Capture tab and locate the Optical Characteristics group:
  2. Click on the Lens Options tool to the right of the Lens list box.

    The Lenses dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click on the Add Lens button in the Lenses dialog box toolbar.
    Image-Pro creates a new lens definition with all default values. The new lens definition dialog is displayed in the application workspace.
  4. In the Name text box, type over the default lens name with the actual lens name.
  5. In the Calibration pull-down list box, specify a calibration definition to associate with this lens definition.
    When a calibration definition is associated with a lens definition, both are applied to an image when either is applied to an image.
  6. Enter the magnification, refractive index, numerical aperture, manufacturer, part number and description in the provided fields.
    The new lens definition will now appear in the Lens list box in the Optical Characteristics group, and it is available to be applied to images.



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